Over the year, the Internet sure has had its share of time-lapse videos showing a woman’s growing belly. And then, like clockwork, she leaves the room and returns with a swaddling infant. It’s adorable. We may shed some happy tears or excuse ourselves and seek refuge in the bathroom to ugly-cry for a hot second. While Tom Fletcher’s ”From Bump To Buzz” YouTube video is very similar to these frequently-posted clips, his birth announcement is extra adorable.
Fletcher, of the English pop band McFly, and his wife Giovanna are shown in the video standing and facing each other. While Giovanna’s stomach grows with each passing second, Fletcher sings “Something New,” an original tune the expectant dad put together for the occasion.
“We took photos every day through the 9 months of our pregnancy, this is the result,” Fletcher explained in the video description. The black-and-white birth announcement of the couple’s son, Buzz Michangelo, doesn’t skip a beat as Giovanna’s body changes before the viewer’s eyes. Fletcher certainly has some vocal chops with his sweet acoustic track, allowing a collective swoon from admirers everywhere.
So, if you happen to be expecting and want to share you’re soon-to-be bundle of joy, take a page out of the Fletchers’ book. The results will surely be precious.